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A92IO IOTA AS-002 Kingdom of Bahrain - QRT 6 December 2013 at 04:45
A92IO operated from Sar, Northern Region, Kingdom of Bahrain, LL56fe. The first QSO was with 5Z0H at 18:50 14 February 2010 and the last QSO was with PJ4LS at 04:40 6 December 2013. Before joining a pileup to work A92IO, stations were requested to consult A92IO’s FAQ page and/or the DX code of conduct.
Before going QRT 6 December 2013, A92IO was active on all bands between 1.8 MHz (until April 2013) and 70 MHz, including two 3 kHz channels in the 60m band, 5 373 kHz (5 371.5 kHz USB) and 5 405 kHz (5 403.5 kHz USB). The 4m allocation in Bahrain is 69.90 - 70.40 MHz. Listen to the Bahrain beacon on 70.085 MHz.
The main station at A92IO comprised an Elecraft K3 and Acom 1000 amplifier. A Cushcraft R7 vertical, together with wire antennas for 10 MHz and below, were used for transmitting. On 1.8 MHz and 3.5 MHz a 27 metre vertical antenna was used together with a K9AY loop system for receiving. On 3.5, 5, 7 and 10 MHz a 45 metre inverted V doublet fed with 400 ohm line was utilised. On 50 MHz a Cushcraft A50-6S 6 element yagi was employed.
The 4m station comprised the Elecraft K3, a Microwave Modules Transverter and a converted Tokyo High Power HL1-K/6 amplifier. A J Beam 4 element 70 MHz yagi was fixed in a North Westerly direction for the Sporadic E season and moved to a South Westerley direction (for ZS and V5) during the TEP season.