A92IO QSL Card and Info

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Here is a picture of the QSL card you will receive if you require a traditional paper QSL card.



Direct QSLs

1. QSL Address is: Dave Court, Connogue, River Lane, Shankill, Co. Dublin, Ireland.

2. You must include a self addressed envelope (SAE) with an airmail or priority sticker.Please write your call-sign(s) on the top right hand corner of the SAE. Stamps will be placed over the call-sign.

3. You must include sufficient funds for return postage e.g. two United States Dollars (US$2) or EUR 1.50 or GBP 1.00 or 1 IRC BUT see 4 below.

4. Only "Water for Life" IRCs which went on sale 1 July 2013 and are valid until the end of 2017are accepted. See:  http://www.upu.int/en/activities/international-reply-coupons/about-irc.html. "Nairobi" IRCs which expire December 2013 must NOT be sent.

5. If you do NOT follow the address information I may not receive your card. My PO Box in Bahrain will be closed on 10 December 2013.

6. If you do NOT send the required SAE and return postage your card will be sent via bureau.

Bureau Cards

1. ALL bureau cards must be sent via EI3IO

2. If you do NOT send via EI3IO and they arrive in the Bahrain bureau after 1 December 2013, I will NOT receive them.

Electronic Confirmation of QSOs

1. Logs will be uploaded to eQSL and LoTW from time to time.

2. Sorry I do not respond to eQSL SWL requests.